Training | Mentoring | Coaching

Our purpose in life is to help people unleash their full potential, be it in a personal or professional setup. To accomplish this, we offer guidance in enhancing your Skill-set through trainings, fostering a positive Mind-set through mentoring, and nurturing a compassionate Heart-set through coaching. Each of our engagements adheres to this distinctive three-prong (TMC) approach, ensuring comprehensive growth and development.

Unlock your true potential

We specialize in helping people align their life and business goals, prioritize their dreams, and take action to make positive changes. We create tailor-made plans and assignments tailored to each client so that they can take action to reach their desired outcome. Our goal is to assist in creating clarity, focus, and motivation to assist people in taking the steps necessary for success and reaching their goals.


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Why us?

Through 1000s testimonials of individuals and many organizations who have greatly benefitted from our programs, we bring a wealth of diverse experiences and a broad range of exposure gained across more than 8 countries and various sectors.

Our Foundation

Entelechy (Potentiality)

Our core values are based on the concept of Entelechy – Entelechy is a philosophical concept that originated from the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. The term “entelechy” comes from the Greek words “en,” meaning “in,” and “telos,” meaning “end” or “purpose.” In Aristotle’s philosophy, entelechy refers to the inherent potential or purpose within an object or organism that drives it towards its fullest development or actualization.

According to Aristotle, everything in the natural world has an entelechy. It is the guiding force or internal principle that shapes an object or living being and directs it towards its ultimate goal or purpose. For example, the entelechy of an acorn is to become a fully grown oak tree, and the entelechy of a caterpillar is to transform into a butterfly.

I hold a strong belief that every individual possesses a distinct potential that is already inherent within them. It can be likened to a seed that exists within you, awaiting the right conditions to flourish. Similar to how a seed requires fertile soil, nurturing sunlight, water, and a safe environment to grow into the strongest tree it is destined to be, you too need essential elements such as training, mentoring, and coaching coupled with hard work to fully realize and maximize your potential.

Sanjul Ashok Bhakri

Trainer | Mentor | Coach



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